Monday, June 20, 2011


After giving birth to my first child, I longed for the day I would have both a boy and a girl. After that, I thought if I would have another child, we would not find out if it was a boy or a girl, I really wanted it to be a surprise.
Well, we are kind of doing that. With no one else, including our children and immediate family being "in" on the secret, it makes getting "prepared" a little more difficult. Although I have both boy and girl clothes available, it is hard to get them washed and put away, ready for when the baby arrives. I find my self doing it "undercover". I'm not telling you where all the washed and ready baby clothes are. That's a secret too. It is great though to feel 100% prepared clothing wise for this little one. I do, desperately want to buy a few new things. I plan on fabric shopping this week so I can make a bumper pad, baby quilt, dust ruffle, burp clothes and curtains.
The most difficult thing is keeping the secret. I have to think ahead of my speaking, making sure I say the right thing and not anything that would let my secret out. I love when people say the think the baby is *insert boy/girl here* and they are wrong. Then I think I must be doing something right and not revealing anything. It is also hard, to refuse to tell the secret to friends who are incredibly talented in crafty endeavors and have offered to make you cute things. Of course they could make you cute things in neutral colors. It is hard to keep secrets.. that is why our five and six year olds don't know. You could ask our two year old. I've told him everything, down to the name we have picked out.

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