Friday, August 5, 2011


I first started feeling contractions around 5pm. I had just woke up from a nap. They were stronger than any I had had before and after the third one I decided it was time to start letting Jake know every time I had one. He started writing them down in his notebook. They came every 7-11 minutes. At 5:45 we were going to leave to take the girls to VBS but I decided that we probably shouldn't just in case I really was in labor. We decided instead to head to Walmart to pick up a few things and get my blood pressure checked. After Walmart shopping was done it was around 7 and we decided that as soon as we arrived home we would call the midwives. I called Sara( good friend and birth photographer) to let her know(she had an hour drive) and had her contact another good friend and doula, Jess.
A little before 8 things started to pick up pace, the contractions were every 2-5 minutes apart. Jess and Sara arrived a little after 8, I tried giving Jess a tour of the house but only got half-way down the hallway. I let everyone know that IF I had been in a hospital I would be asking for pain medication. We had been told to call Laurie(midwife) when we thought we wanted someone there, so we did. I wanted to take a bath or shower but had trouble deciding. Jess started getting a bath ready and I climbed into it around 8:30.
Laurie arrived soon after followed by Amanda(midwife) both while I was in the tub. Laurie checked the baby's heart rate and my blood pressure(which had dropped considerably since my last appointment). The tub was awesome. I was able to relax a lot in between contractions and breathing through the contractions was easier, I think I really learned how I should breathe in the tub and focused on making sure I kept breathing like that when I got out of the tub. I remember Micah coming in to see how I was. They checked the baby's heart rate once more before I got out of the tub at 9:16 to try and pee.
With every contraction I was on my knees. For awhile I stayed in the bathroom and leaned over the tub with every contraction. At 9:30 I moved into our bedroom and starting kneeling beside the bed and leaning on it when the contractions came. Nathaniel brought in some trucks and cars and put them on the bed by me. At that time I noticed Patrice(midwife) was there.
They checked the baby's heart rate three more times before it was all over but I don't remember it.
After every contraction I said I couldn't do it any longer and asked my midwives if they knew how much longer I had. They reassured me that my body was working perfectly. I really wanted to know if I was there yet but I'm glad they encouraged me to work with my body instead of checking to see how dilated I was.
I starting feeling pushy during the contractions and began to bare down with them. My water broke at 10. At 10:04 the head was inside by just a knuckle. The midwives put some warm compresses and olive oil on my bottom area.
At 10:05 I started pushing the head out, trying to breathe through them and gently push the head out so I wouldn't tear(which I didn't, there's a first time for everything- episiotomy with first, tore with second and third)
At 10:08 the babies head was out, I reached down and felt it-amazing. There was an amazingly clear headed moment between pushing the head out and pushing the rest of her body out. In that moment I was able to touch her head then totally relax. I don't remember feeling any pain at all at that time.
With the next contraction at 10:09 I pushed the rest of her out and everyone helped put her up into my arms. Then I sat birthing stool that they put behind me. The kids were called in at 10:13 to see their new sister. I held her in my arms while I pushed the placenta out(which hurt way less than my previous hospital births where the nurse pushes on your belly until your uterus contractions again and you painfully push the placenta out).
At 10:27 Jake cut the cord. It was the first time I was able to see my baby's cord being cut. I then moved into our bed and started feeding our little girl. They kids climbed into bed with me and admired their little sister.
My mom soon arrived and we then had the midwives take a more thorough check of the baby. She weighed 4lbs 11oz... so tiny!
The midwives left at 12:20am and Jess and Sara left soon after. Jake and my mom helped get the kids to bed and that was it!
It is still unbelievable that it all happened but her being here is the proof.
Everything was all and more than I had hoped for. I am so happy that I got to the point of my life where I would think of choosing home birth as an option. If we have one more- like we hope- I will absolutely go this route again.

Quick Update

Zoe Abigail Anne
Born 8/3/11
10:09 pm
At home
Weighed 4 lbs 11 oz
18 inches long
Head circumference 11 inches

No complications
Second day of life nursing like a pro, sleeping well and being the cutest little thing possible

More to come..

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


If you are reading this, please don't post anything on my Facebook.
I've been having contractions for the past 2 1/2 hours and they keep on getting more intense. We've contacted the midwives who are now waiting to see if the contractions continue. Good news! We might have a baby tonight.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

There's some pressure on my blood...

140/90 Low end of stage 1 Hypertension
I've been sent home to eat some protein and hope that it lowers or at least doesn't rise. No swelling. Trace of protein in my urine. Other than that baby's heartbeat is great, it increases after we move the baby a little(good). My belly measurements increased an inch from last time so no worry about the baby not growing.
My next appointment is in a week or earlier if I want. I'm going to go to Walmart maybe every other day to check on my blood pressure just to keep track of it. I'm really hoping we give birth soon.

Low Rider

100 % sure this baby has dropped. Last anointment I measured smaller than my appointment before. Pretty sure baby didn't shrink. I had prior had a feeling babe had dropped so that was a confirmation. Today I am really feeling it! Last night I think I got up 20 times to pee. We are heading back to the midwife's this morning for another prenatal and I'll let you all know how that goes. 38 weeks already. I really wasn't sure if I would make it this far with N's pre-eclampsia scare. My blood pressure was borderline high at my last appointment 140/80. I measured it at Walmart Sunday night and it was 126/71. Like the measurements I'll let you in on how it is today. I hardly have any swelling which is really abnormal for my pregnancies, usually I have more than the minimal that I have now. I did take my wedding ring off, it was getting a little snug. I'll let you know how things go today!