Friday, May 27, 2011

One More to Thirty

I guess I write this in a tired/exhausted mood. I really don't know how I will make it another 11 weeks. I feel like I tire easily. Sleep is either good or bad. Heartburn is on and off. Baby likes to turn in a transverse position which is more than a little uncomfortable. I am sometimes a little more snappy with my children than I should be. Honestly this past week has been filled with the little thoughts of "How are you going to handle another one?" Today I was thinking "Yes, we produce beautiful children. But they sure are crazy." I try to love the craziness of this life and that is a big part of what keeps me sane at the same time wishing my children were a little more calm. Writing this makes me smile because honestly I do love their spunk and life would not be the same without it.
So 29 weeks definitely brings mixed emotions but I think that just comes with being pregnant.
Oh, and I found the perfect crib set! I am loving owls. Sorry, not going to say if it is blue or pink owls that I am loving. But its one of those colors and it's owls and I just wish that I could somehow afford it. But maybe I can afford to make my own? I'm going to look into that route. Because really if it comes down to a crib set or homeschooling curriculum I will need to go with the curriculum, even though the crib set is super cute!! Maybe I can sell my iPad?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

28 Weeks- Beginning of Third Trimester

Wow, can I really be this far along? It does not seem possible. This pregnancy seems to be slipping by. It doesn't help that I've been busy with moving, packing and un-packing, organizing, all on top of the normal day to day activities. I think I say this every time I post but this baby seems to be moving more, or I can just feel the babe move more.
I bought more prenatal vitamins along with some magnesium supplements and omega 3 supplements that the midwives recommended. I usually take my vitamins at night, I have other medication that I take in the a.m., so I took them all tonight at the kids snack time with some blueberry yogurt. I would like to say that all the energy I have right now if because of them but maybe it's all in my mind.
I'm not sure we will be able to work on the babe's room before the little one arrives. Maybe I should just work on getting our room in order since he/she will most likely be sleeping in with us for the first year of life.
I have a feeling the next 12 weeks will go much faster than the past 28 weeks.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Randomness at 26 Weeks

So I guess I'm 26 weeks preggo + a handful of days. Needless to say with the craziness of the move I lost count. Or maybe I lost count because I've had how many children? and after the first or the second there is no need to count anymore. Baby will arrive(hopefully) sometime between July 24 and August 14. I am hoping for the first week in August. If we keep in line with our previous birth dates, all on weekends, two Fridays and one Saturday, my estimated date of arrival for this little peanut would be August 5. Now my Grandpa's birthday was August 4, so it would be nice to have the little one born on that date. I am positively wanting the babe to arrive before August 12, we have a conference that weekend that we are suppose to be at, J was volunteered to lead a bible study in the morning.. guess no one thought that I might be giving birth that day! Anyways, obviously I won't let him go if I am still knocked up. It's a couple hour drive from here to there and we are already hoping the midwives can make their one hour drive to our house. I've talked of the possibilities to Jake, what if they don't arrive on time and have eased his fears a little. But still, he really hopes he is not the baby catcher or if he is the baby catcher there are at least a couple of supporters there to help in the "just in case" moment.
Talking of the midwives, I emailed our new Michigan one a couple days ago and we set an appointment up right away. Drove out to her farm in the middle of nowhere Michigan and met with her and one of her apprentices. It was great. The children had toys to play with. Relaxing. The drive though really brought the reality of how far away we are back and he said he would pay for any speeding tickets they might acquire on the way to our birth. Now there are a lot of things to think about. Waterbirth. Birth in our bed. What do I want? Rent a tub, use our bathtub. I asked her about tearing and she said birthing on your side actually seems like the best is that is a concern. So there is a lot to think about and consider.
Movements. Still weird because of anterior placenta blocking me from feeling anything. I feel movements down almost right about my pelvic bone and around the edges of my belly. J has yet to feel a good kick, abnormal compared to our previous pregnancies.
L has started calling the baby the "surprise" baby. Right now we are having a conversation about what the baby is a boy or a girl. She wants me to tell her, "someone should know" "you can tell me" she says. She has determined the baby is a "girl" and can't be convinced otherwise. But because every time she says "she" when referring to the babe I say "what if it's a he?" She has started saying the "surprise" baby. I like that. Poor sisters, It is frustrating for them to not know.
Little N is going to be surprised for sure when he becomes an older brother and is kicked out of our bed. He falls asleep in his bed but always comes to ours in the middle of the night. It needs to be fixed soon before the babe arrives. We will work on that along with his potty training.
Did I say how well cloth diapers are going? They are going great. Can't wait to order some for the little babe.