Friday, March 28, 2014

21 Weeks

Today I am 21 weeks along.  I had an OB/GYN appointment but didn't see my doctor, she had been called into a C-section.  It is a little weird having doctors care after a pregnancy with a midwife.  See with midwives you usually wait 5-10 minutes at most and have an hour long visit with them.  At this point I would have been having my 3rd visit with my midwife. Instead I have seen my doctor one time, our 16 week visit was a 2 hour round table discussion with other mothers and a childbirth educators.  We talked about nutrition and exercise and other pregnancy related topics which I guess was nice... I do have a lot of questions for my OB so I was a little disappointed when she wasn't available(Midwives don't miss appointments last minute for emergency surgeries).

This is an exciting development: I felt little girl move.. on the outside!!
I have been feeling movement here and there for the few weeks but this is the first kick I could feel with my hand.  So exciting.

Friday, March 21, 2014

20 weeks... HELLO BABY!!

 We had our 19/20 wk ultrasound this past week and we found this cute baby. 

Little baby was moving so much the tech said she was the most active baby she had ever scanned.

But we were able to see her hands...

 and her feet...

 Oh yeah, we found out she is a girl!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

19 wks

Here we go again.  Another pregnancy.  Another pregnancy blog.
This pregnancy has been different.
I had horrible all the time morning sickness to begin with.
After two miscarriages that happened last year(one in February and one in August), I was super worried that this one would end in the same manner.
My mom found out she had breast cancer in the beginning of November and I peed on the stick in the beginning of December, a week before going to help her out after her surgery. So here I am- newly pregnant, dealing with the start of morning sickness, worrying about the possibility of having another miscarriage and trying to be there for my mom.  It took all of me to hold in my news in the middle of her trying to find out what her news was, cancer diagnosis sometimes takes awhile.  I don't think I told her she was going to have another grandchild until January, after she told me she was only Stage 3 and the treatment would be chemo and then radiation.
So the all the time morning sickness hit me full force at the end of December.  It was horrid.  It hadn't been that bad since my first pregnant.  In a way it was comforting- I mean, you should be less likely to miscarry if you're throwing up, right?  At least that was my hope. I'm not sure if there is proof to back up that theory.
And the cravings have been weird.  This is the first time I have had strong food cravings.
The kids are excited.
Z keeps on talking about the baby and when it will be born.  We have told her it may be born on her birthday so she keeps on talking about that.  She watches pregnancy related videos on my phone, on my baby center app and she freaks out when she sees any picture of a baby.
The other kids have opinions on whether this baby should be a boy or a girl.
I think its a girl just because my all the time morning sickness was bad.
We have an ultrasound tomorrow so hopefully we will find out.