Thursday, July 7, 2011

Exhausted at 35 Weeks

Ok.. so officially I'm not 35 weeks.
But tomorrow I will be!
We just arrived home from five days in Grand Rapids. It was a week without the girls(they stayed at my parent's house). It was a week of getting up at 6 or 7 and going to bed at 11 or 12. Our days were packed full of activities and we walked... a lot. Now I know that if this conference had been scheduled when I was going on 37 or 38 weeks then I absolutely would be in labor right now. We when arrived home last night I could hardly function. Overwhelmed by the house not being in order, loads upon loads of laundry, dishes that needed to be washed, unpacking to be done, new school curriculum begging to be looked at, new photos dying to be displayed on the wall and not feeling or noticing the baby moving the normal amount of movements that a pregnant mother should feel in a day, hour, minute.... I broke down.
Then composed myself enough to sit in a chair until I felt the little one move.
Then made dinner.
Then directed the children to pajamas, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bed, songs with their daddy and I climbed in bed....begging everyone to please come talk to me if they needed something...
I was not getting up, I was stuck.... there.
I could not,
would not,
Today I feel better.
Baby is moving normally.
Half of the laundry is washed yet not put away.
Some bags are unpacked.
I've moved baby stuff around. I don't know if you know but the U.S. has come out with stricker guidelines for cribs. They will no longer sell cribs with drop-side rails because they have been deemed unsafe. We have a drop-side crib, that has made it through three kiddos. I already have it set up in my arts/craft/school room. But I have now decided to take it down and temporary store it in the garage. I figure the baby can move into either the girls room or the boys room when the baby no longer is sleeping in our room, which may be awhile. Until then I need to get the other room more organized and since we will probably buy a new crib, eventually, it does not need to be taking up the space it is taking up. So new crib goes on the list for baby stuff. We also need a new carseat and then 2 more diaper covers and maybe some more prefolds. I think I have enough clothes. So there it is! Crazy busy, trying to get stuff done while I have J here.
Pray for me.. he will be gone all day, almost everyday, next week.

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